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About Disruption Fest:


We believe that taking advantage of the convergence of exponential technologies will put us on the right track to solve our great global challenges and move from an era of scarcity to one of abundance.


Over the next 30 years, we will find some of the greatest transitions that any generation has had to face. Technological disruption is affecting every part of our lives every business, every industry, every society.

By taking advantage of exponential technologies, we have the opportunity to solve the greatest challenges of humanity. That is what we call impact.

Disruption Fest is a high-impact initiative to generate an exponential and abundant mentality, which allows us to address the great global challenges we face as Humanity.


To go from the duty to be, to the essential Being that connects us and allows us to change our lens of perception to create a new reality that puts our Social activity at the center and at the side of the market, goods and services.


Disruption Fest is an experiential event- one-of-a-kind experience and curated educational content ranging from wellness to social impact, innovation and beyond.


​Connect and collaborate with powerful influential networks and social entrepreneurs. A powerful journey designed to make you feel like you aren't alone in influencing the world.


The participants, a curated group of dreamers and disrupters,  embarked on a journey to develop practices that nurtured mind, body and spirit; while exploring new ideas of community to impact the world for the greater good.


In the 5 day retreat we will tell you all about the exponential technologies, those that -if we allow it- can change the world.


Join us for this world bridging event in the wonderful locations. D-Fest bring together Leaders, Experts in Blockchain and Holistic Sciences to discuss new possibilities in research, innovation, and community building.


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